Women Empowerment through Livelihoods and Enterprise Development (WE-LED) Program and Person with Disability – Empowered through Livelihoods and Enterprise Development (PWD-LED) Program


The WE-LED Program, initiated by WFP, aims to empower female beneficiaries from vulnerable households in Quetta by transitioning them from social safety nets to self-reliant income-generation activities. Mera Maan organized these beneficiaries into Common Interest Groups (CIGs) and mentored them through community-based ‘Champions of Change’ (CoCs). The primary focus of this project was on creating economically independent micro-entrepreneurs through market-led skills training, business management lessons, and linkages with key stakeholders. In addition, Mera Maan recognized the challenges faced by Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in participating fully in society and the economy. To address this, they designed and implemented the PWD-LED program, which adopted a comprehensive, household-centered approach. The program aimed to empower PWDs and their households by facilitating the establishment or expansion of micro-businesses, providing skills training, resources, and non-financial incentives (NFIs), as well as promoting social integration and mental well-being.

Narrative of the Project Description:


The WE-LED Program was initiated as part of the Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) Program under Flagship Programming Initiatives (FPI) by UN Women. It aimed to empower vulnerable female beneficiaries in Quetta and help them transition from social safety nets to self-reliant income-generation activities. The PWD-LED program was designed to address the unique challenges faced by Persons with Disabilities and their households, aiming to enhance economic stability, independence, and overall well-being.


– Empower female beneficiaries to become economically independent micro-entrepreneurs through market-led skills training and business management lessons.
– Create opportunities for PWDs and their households to establish or expand micro-businesses, fostering economic stability and independence.
– Provide comprehensive skills training, workshops, and resources to enhance entrepreneurial abilities and business acumen among PWDs and their families.
– Improve the living conditions of PWDs through the provision of non-financial incentives (NFIs) such as accessibility modifications and assistive devices.
– Promote social integration and mental well-being of PWDs and their households through motivational workshops, exposure events, and caregiver training sessions.
– Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the programs through an endline assessment, identifying areas for improvement and sustainability.
– Advocate for inclusivity within society and the workforce, breaking stereotypes and fostering a community where all individuals have equal opportunities to contribute.

Project Impact:

The PWD-LED program created a positive and sustainable impact on the lives of vulnerable and differently-abled female beneficiaries in Quetta. By empowering women with income-generating skills and promoting economic stability, the program fostered gender equality and social inclusion. Moreover, the comprehensive support network and non-financial incentives provided to PWDs and their households aims to enhance their overall quality of life and promote a positive mindset. Additionally, the program seeks to challenge stereotypes and promote inclusivity within society, fostering a community where all individuals can actively participate and contribute to economic growth and social development.

Project Details