Mera Maan was engaged by ASF to strengthen and build the capacity of the management and staff of farmer organizations to effectively implement developed business plans. The project aimed to empower these organizations with the necessary skills and knowledge to execute their business plans and enhance their performance in agricultural activities and marketing.Narrative of the Project Description:
ASF’s objective of sustainable rural development led to the establishment of Farmer Organizations (FOs) at the grassroots level, providing economic services to member farmers. To further support the FOs, Regional Farmer Cooperative Organizations (RFCOs) and the Karakoram Farmers Cooperative Network (KFCN) were formed in various regions, including Gilgit, Baltistan, Diamer, and Central KP. The RFCOs and KFCNs have played a vital role in offering technical, financial, and policy support to member FOs.Objectives:
– Strengthen the capacity of the management and staff of farmer organizations to effectively implement developed business plans.– Provide training on procurement, financial record-keeping, and reporting.
– Enhance the teams’ knowledge and skills in marketing agricultural inputs and products.
– Develop expertise in holding/organizing auctions and project management.