Investment Planning
An ‘earning and sustainability’ arm, Mera Maan Training &Consulting (MMTC) offers a range of services to government, private sector and civil society organizations through highly experienced staff and a network of qualified associates, individual and organizations. MMTC specializes in designing pilot projects and programs, and assisting in their scale up. It develops training programs for literate, semi-literate and low-literate target groups, trains senior and mid-level professionals, as well as grass-roots community members. MMTC has a large pool of community-based associate trainers that can deliver quality services in over 100 mobilized districts of Pakistan and in certain areas of Afghanistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. MMTC provides an end-to-end solution for capacity development programs as follows:
Training Need Assessment (TNA)
Designing Capacity Development Interventions
Curriculum Design
Training of Trainers
Implementing Training
Monitoring & Evaluation