Training & Consulting

Investment Planning

An ‘earning and sustainability’ arm, Mera Maan Training &Consulting (MMTC) offers a range of services to government, private sector and civil society organizations through highly experienced staff and a network of qualified associates, individual and organizations. MMTC specializes in designing pilot projects and programs, and assisting in their scale up. It develops training programs for literate, semi-literate and low-literate target groups, trains senior and mid-level professionals, as well as grass-roots community members. MMTC has a large pool of community-based associate trainers that can deliver quality services in over 100 mobilized districts of Pakistan and in certain areas of Afghanistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. MMTC provides an end-to-end solution for capacity development programs as follows:

Training Need Assessment (TNA)

Effective training requires a careful gap assessment of the missing knowledge, skills and attitude required to perform tasks. Mera Maan assists clients to design and conduct training needs assessment, quantitati ve and qual itati ve research, base-line and end-line attitude, perception and customer satisfaction surveys.

Designing Capacity Development Interventions

Mera Maan assists clients to design comprehensive, cost effective and sustainable capacity development strategy, complete with work plans, budgets and monitoring and evaluation framewor k s . Thi s includes establishing learning objectives designing an evaluation framework, creating contents and choosing methodologies for curriculum design.

Curriculum Design

Mera Maan team's unique niche is the development of highly interactive and visually attractive training curriculum for learners diversified by education, experience and job categories. Our curriculum is designed for national rollout on themes such as social, entrepreneurship, public finance, climate finance, menstrual hygiene management, leadership and management , gender and governance, and more

Training of Trainers

Team Mera Maan has the experience of conducting generic and subject specific 'training of trainer program . A s a n organization, its core mandate is to 'build capacities to build capacity'. Mera Maan's structured and highly experiential 'instructional design and train the trainer' program that is implemented in all its national and international scale-up programs.

Implementing Training

Mera Maan has the expertise and experience of conducting multiple simultaneous training rollouts across the country. The Mera Maan team is trained to manage high quality, standardized training, including how to choose and set a training venue, organize and manage stationery, schedule l u n c h a n d t e a b r e a k s , a n d d o c u m e n t a tr a i n i n g , e . g . photographs, video clips, speed reports

Monitoring & Evaluation

Mera Maan offers clients access to an international, multidisciplinary team of experts with a specialization in assessing, monitoring and evaluating large-scale capacity building programs. Mera Maan designs evaluation frameworks based on logic models, which go well b e y o n d e n d - o f - t r a i n i n g assessments to determine end of project/program results, i.e. transfer of learning to the workplace.