Gender Status Assessment in Merged Districts of KP


UN Women Pakistan commissioned a comprehensive report on the status of women and girls in the merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), specifically focusing on Khyber, Kurram, Orakzai, North Waziristan, and South Waziristan districts. The primary and secondary data collection aimed to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by vulnerable groups, particularly women and girls, in the region. The study aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals, Human Development Index, and Gender Equality Ranking indicators, aiming to inform the development of gender-responsive policies and programs in the merged districts.

Narrative of the Project Description:

Background: The merged districts of KP have experienced historical marginalization and economic challenges. Understanding the status of women and girls in these areas is crucial to identify the gender-based constraints they face and to develop targeted interventions for their upliftment and empowerment. UN Women Pakistan sought to conduct a comprehensive assessment that delves into different thematic areas affecting gender equality, including education, health, economic participation and empowerment, gender-based violence, leadership, and political participation.


The primary objective of this project was to assess the status of women and girls in the merged districts of KP, focusing on various thematic areas related to their well-being, opportunities, and challenges. The study aimed to:

– Identify gender-based constraints and discrimination at the household, community, and institutional levels.
– Generate data to inform the development of gender-responsive policies and programs for vulnerable groups, especially women and girls.
– Highlight areas requiring targeted interventions to enhance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the region.

Project Impact: 

The study had significant implications for gender-responsive policy-making and program development in the merged districts of KP. By analyzing primary data collected through consultative meetings, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews, the project generated valuable insights into the realities faced by women and girls in the region. The findings and recommendations provided by the study serve as a foundation for empowering vulnerable groups and improving their socio-economic conditions. Through evidence-based and gender-sensitive policies, UN Women Pakistan continues to create a more inclusive and equitable environment where women and girls can thrive and actively participate in various spheres of life, leading to positive social and economic impacts in the merged districts.

Project Details