Mera Maan was commissioned by RSPN to conduct a comprehensive study on the social and economic empowerment of rural women through the SUCCESS Programme. The study aimed to analyze the impact of the SUCCESS interventions at the household, community, and local levels on women’s empowerment and changes in poverty status. It also assessed the effectiveness of community institutions fostered by the SUCCESS programme in promoting collective self-help initiatives and empowering rural women to demand their basic rights and drive change in their communities. The research involved an impact evaluation, gap assessment, and policy recommendations, based on extensive secondary literature review and first-hand primary data collection. The study’s findings provided valuable insights to inform policy-making processes for enhancing women’s social and economic empowerment in Sindh. The project encompassed two distinctive research phases, Round 1 in 2018 and Round 2 in 2021, and served as a baseline impact evaluation reference study for the programme’s second phase.Narrative of the Project Description:
The SUCCESS Programme, implemented by RSPN, aimed to empower rural women in Sindh by enhancing their social and economic status. To assess the effectiveness of the programme, Mera Maan conducted a detailed study to understand the impact of SUCCESS interventions on women’s lives and livelihoods, particularly in terms of poverty reduction and empowerment. The study focused on the three levels of empowerment – household, immediate community, and local levels – and examined the relationship between empowerment and changes in poverty status.Objectives:
– Analyze the relationship between women’s social and economic empowerment and changes in poverty status at different levels.– Assess the effectiveness of community institutions fostered by the SUCCESS Programme in promoting collective self-help initiatives and women’s empowerment.
– Provide feedback to RSPN on the effectiveness of the Community-Driven Development (CDD) approach and SUCCESS programme in empowering rural women in Sindh.
– Inform policy-making processes for improving women’s social and economic empowerment in the region.
Project Impact:
The research study had a significant impact on understanding the SUCCESS programme’s approach to women’s empowerment. It provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of interventions at different levels and their contribution to poverty reduction and empowerment. The study’s findings and recommendations informed policy-making processes and contributed to improved programme delivery. Additionally, the study served as a baseline impact evaluation reference for the programme’s second phase, providing a comprehensive assessment of the programme’s outcomes and effectiveness in promoting social and economic empowerment among rural women in Sindh.